Tuesday, October 16, 2012

VT Made with an iPad

THis is a test to post an embed code from a V made on the iPad. The iPAd doesn't give me the embed code. it only sends a link through email. But you can go to VT web site and log into your account and get the embed code. Post to the blog I am also doing from my computer not the iPAd.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Audio boo test

Here is another audionapp.  It allows you to record up to 3 mins and you can add a photo.  Then it allws you to fet the link.

Lets see how it works!


Friday, October 05, 2012

Fotobabble created on my iPad

Here is another fotobabble example

csiwins's Fotobabble

csiwins's Fotobabble